Author guidelines
Guidelines for authors
European Journal of Health Research is a quarterly and multidisciplinary publication of any field related to Health, in its broadest aspect, extending its coverage to professionals from other related disciplines, published in Santiago de Chile by the Universidad Autónoma de Chile in collaboration with ASUNIVEP in Spain. EJHR has its focus on Ibero-America and is open to empirical collaborations that communicate research results in any of the different fields of health and/or psychology studies. Manuscripts in Spanish and English are supported. The work submitted shall be unpublished and not reviewed in any other publication or forwarded to other publications simultaneously. In order to send an article to the EJHR, the person responsible for the shipment must register as a user of the
As part of the process of submitting works to our Journal, authors are required to verify that their submission complies with all the items shown below. Articles that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors and will not start the review process.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under review in another journal (or an explanation has been provided in comments to the publisher).
- The send file is in editable file format, Microsoft Word.
- URLs have been provided for references in the field provided for this purpose.
- The text is space-simple, to a column, uses a 12-point font; uses italics, rather than underlining (except with URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, duly numbered and mentioned in the text.
- The text adheres to the bibliographic and stylistic requirements described in the guidelines for EJHR authors.
- For articles shipped in Spanish, a Title, summary and keywords in English are included.
- Plagiarism Prevention: Before being sent for peer review, all articles submitted to the journal will be evaluated using turnitin software to determine similarities.
Manuscripts must be up to 15 pages long (including text, illustrations, and references). Only manuscripts written in English or Spanish will be considered. They should be organized as follows: title page, summary and keywords, introduction, material and method, results, discussion and references.
The manuscript must be submitted in the following order:
- Title page: must include
- Title: article title and subtitle if applicable
- Identification of the author(s), identifying the lead author and the order as it should appear in the publication, is requested to incorporate the ORCID digital identifier (you can create it in ), if you cannot create the ORCID you must attach each author's CV.
- Institutional affiliation of each of the authors, if they have more than one affiliation, these must be individualized with Arabic numbers.
- Email from all authors.
- Correspondence author: identify only 1 author who will be the interlocutor with the EJHR and will speak on behalf of all the authors of the article.
- Summary (structured): Must not exceed 300 words. The summary should be guiding the research problem, the methodology used and the main results.
Important: Avoid subtitular in the summary with Introduction, Objectives, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions. Do not use acronyms in the summary. Do not include quotations or bibliographic references.
- Keywords: Indicate a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 medical subject heading keywords from the Medicus Index- MeSH Terms.
- Body of text: organized in introduction, material and methods, results, discussion.
If it is a case report: Introduction, case report, discussion.
- Citations: Statements and arguments must be accompanied by quotations. All citations must be included in the list of bibliographic references at the end of the article.
Citations shall indicate the surname of the first author followed by that of the second author or by et al. if they were more than two authors, and the year of publication.
- 1 author: Suazo, 2020
- 2 authors: Suazo & Gonzalez, 2020
- More than two authors: Suazo, et al., 2020
When referencing more than one work by the same author, published in the same year, use a: a, b, c, etc. Along with the year of publication in parentheses. The year should be repeated in each subpoena if the author has more than one work mentioned.
- Tables: they must be mentioned in the text and numbered in consecutive order according to their appearance with Roman numerals. Each table must have an explanatory text.
- Figures: must be mentioned in the text and numbered in consecutive order of appearance with arabic numbers. Each figure must have an explanatory text and must come in a high quality file.
- Acknowledgement: include if applicable.
- Ethical aspects: authors must declare compliance with ethical standards, informed consents. Ethics Committees: Human research must be approved by an ethics committee and this should be mentioned in the description of the work methodology.
- Conflict of interest: Authors must declare any conflicts of interest that the publisher should consider for the review and publishing process.
- Funding: Authors must declare whether they have received funding and identify the source.
- Photographs, images and illustrations: Authors must declare whether they are authorized to use photographs, images or illustrations. In cases of patient images, you must have informed consent signed by the patient authorizing its publication.
- References: The journal uses the standards of the modified Harvard system. The references of the text to the literature must be ordered chronologically and placed in alphabetical order, by the surname of the authors. All authors must be included in the Bibliographic References. Whenever possible, include the article's DOI or URL.
Follow these examples:
Algieri, R., Ferrante, M., Fernández, J., Ugartemendia, J., & Bernadou, M. (2014) Anatomy of the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall Ultrasonographic Assessment and its Application as a Guide in Nerve Blocks. Int J Med Surg Sci., 1(3): 205-212,
Mercado, C., & Sáez, A. (2019) Correlation between child and parental dental anxiety in a sample of Chilean schoolchildren. Int J Med Surg Sci., 6(1), 07-09,
McPhee, S. J. & Papadakis, M.A. (2010) Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment. 49 ed. Mexico City, McGraw Hill.
Nih. Phase 3 clinical trial of investigational vaccine for COVID-19 begins (2020, july) available at
Nomenclature: Use the International System of Units (SI) metric units of measure.
WARNINGS: It is not necessary to present all the sections in all investigations due to the particularity of each article, they should not be present in their entirety.
Currently the journal only publish in electronic format. The journal does not send copies of the articles by physical ways to the authors or readers.
The editorial committee reserves the right to omit authors or reduce their number in consideration of the type of research, previously informing the author.
Any questions, consult the Journal: