Analysis of the implementation of reader corners in children's gardens
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A reading corner is a pedagogical innovation that is defined as a space characterized by being comfortable, welcoming and accessible where children feel identified, generating a variety of experiences and reading experiences with different stories that motivates the reader to give themselves the opportunity to share with others and convey the importance that reading has from a centralized approach to enjoyment, playful and dialogue. The objective of this study was to analyze the transformations that occur in the educational community by implementing this pedagogical innovation in children's gardens in the San Antonio district, Valparaíso region, Chile. A qualitative study was designed, using semi-structured interviews conducted on teams from three children's gardens in the district. The results were systematically analyzed based on three main categories: I. Motivation of participants in the implementation of reader corners; II. Process of implementation of reader corners and III. Perception of the effect of reader corners on educational communities. Subcategories were derived from each of these main categories and were analyzed individually. From the analysis of the interviews conducted, findings emerged regarding the positive effect generated by the implementation of the reader corners, which emphasize the emotional and cognitive development of children, the link between the educational community and teamwork among the actors involved, among others.
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