Journalism in the Curation of Information: Confronting the Era of Disinformation

Journalism in the Curation of Information: Confronting the Era of Disinformation

Main Article Content

Sebastián Zárate


The article addresses the challenge of misinformation in democratic societies, emphasizing the crucial role of journalism in combating it. Disinformation is defined as false or manipulated information that threatens informed decision-making process and the quality of public debate. It highlights the importance of distinguishing between “disinformation” (outright falsehoods) and “misinformation” (biased, deceptive or misleading information), and warns of the risks of regulating or criminalizing these forms of information, as it could lead to authoritarian practices and undermine freedom of speech.  The text underscores the role of journalism as a curator of information in the digital age, where the abundance of sources and information platforms poses significant challenges to the integrity of data. The journalistic practice of fact-checking is deemed essential for maintaining public trust in the media and enhancing the quality of available information. Additionally, the article discusses how communication theories like “gatekeeping” and the two-step flow of information have evolved in the context of digital disinformation. It highlights the need for ethical and responsible journalism as a pillar of democracy and a key tool against disinformation, emphasizing its influence on forming informed opinions and civic participation. In summary, journalism is presented as an essential antidote to disinformation in contemporary society


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