Perspective on Damages and Losses Due to Climate Change in Public Health: The Case of the Linda Vista Community, La Unión, Costa Rica

Perspective on Damages and Losses Due to Climate Change in Public Health: The Case of the Linda Vista Community, La Unión, Costa Rica

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Ericka Murillo-odríguez
David Hernández Parra
Adrián Alberto Martínez-Blanco
Andrea Robles-Jirón
María Paula Calvo-Barboza
María Fernanda Muñoz-Tubito


Marginalized urban communities in the Global South face serious public health challenges due to climate change. This research examines the losses and damages health-related in the community of Linda Vista, La Unión, Costa Rica. With a theoretical-critical approach, scientific information and public data were contrasted with local knowledge, framed within a case study. The design included: a) literature review, b) community characterization, c) primary data collection through semistructured interviews with experts and local stakeholders, and a community focus group, and d) analysis and systematization of the information through thematic categorization. The results show that the community is highly vulnerable due to sociodemographic and environmental factors, such as high population density and irregular geography that lead to landslides and floods. The interviews revealed that intense rains and extreme heat are the main climate-related issues, affecting air quality, water and food security, and increasing vector-borne diseases. The capacity of health systems is limited, and public policies do not adequately address the relationship between health and climate. The research concludes that the community is aware of the impacts on their health, although they do not always connect these with climate change. Intersectoral collaboration and strengthening of public policies are needed to improve climate action and its health benefits.


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