Higher education, artificial intelligence and digital transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Main Article Content
Digital transformation in higher education (DTHE) in Latin America and the Caribbean faces significant challenges, including lack of infrastructure, connectivity gaps, and limited digital competencies within the educational community. This article explores how artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI, can be integrated as part of DTHE, highlighting the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in this process. Recent studies from Unesco IESALC and Cepal are analysed, identifying key enabling factors such as connectivity, human talent development, and AI literacy as essential for ensuring sustainable impact. Finally, the article proposes recommendations to address existing gaps, including the development of public policies, AI competency frameworks, and strategies to foster equity in adopting these emerging technologies. This approach aims to position HEIs as drivers of change in the region, promoting an ethical, inclusive, and effective digital transformation.
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