Science news the bias towards communicating research results over research processes
Main Article Content
The complexity of scientific activity is not reflected in the news. In this paper we propose that aspects related to scientific research processes are scarcely developed in science news. On the contrary, aspects related to the results of scientific research are highly represented. Thirty-five news from the Clarín portal were analyzed between 01-01-2016 and 07-07-2017, using the constructed week methodology. As dimensions related to Processes were considered: epistemological, ethical, political and historical approach. Dimensions linked to Results were: epistemological optimism, utility, progress and spectacularity. It was also analyzed if news were signed by their author. Almost 83% of the news are biased towards Results and 83% of them are editorial. Almost 9 out of 10 news based on Processes are written by other agencies or signed. On the other hand, the opinion or interviews (n = 27), 67% are biased in favor of Processes. We propose that the incorporation into the news of dimensions linked to scientific research Processes favors dialogue, discussion and debate between scientists and publics. The scope of signed news reinforces de idea that a better science communication is possible
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