Cerebral palsy peoples profile in housing services
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The purpose of this study is to set up the profile of the people with cerebral palsy who are attended at the housing services, taking into account that these kinds of services try to assist the inclusion through autonomy and communal living. 20 people, who use these services, were interviewed from an association from Burgos. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, performance levels, assistive and attentional necessities at housing services data were collected. These data show that there are more males (75%), more than 40 years old (75%), single (75%), illiterate (55%), without working experience (85%), and all of them are pensioner. 35% of the people with cerebral palsy has also an intellectual disability with a high level of disability (90%). According to the performance, people with level V in the Gross Motor Function Classification System, level IV in the Manual Ability Classification System, and level III in the Communication Function Classification System are the most frequent. 75% of them use the housing services over 5 years, mainly because of a relative disease, and all of them receive psychological support, physiotherapy and leisure time services. Define this profile is important in order to assist strategies and resources which give specialized supports and normal and inclusive environments.
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