Nursing intervention in home care holistic services, computing tools

Nursing intervention in home care holistic services, computing tools

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Juan José Tirado Darder
Nuria López Aliaga


The law 39/2006 considers in the Autonomy and Dependant Attention System, to promove the personal autonomy and to guarantee the attention and protection to the people who are in a dependant situation, which is not being accomplished. This is due to the fact that the promotion in the resources talking about home medical cares in the majority of the spanish autonomies is lower than the real needs of the population. Therefore, the work faces in a holistic way a new paradigm with the production of an algorithm of home medical cares attention, and the following development of a program of computerized cares, which will allow to join and standardize the action of the nursing professionals, providing coherence to the rest of the socio-sanitary equipment. This type of interventions will have an impact in a very decisive way on the cost of the service and in the correct asignation of the correct resources to the levels of dependance of the clients, making, in this way, that the holistical home medical care is not just restricted to cover the health requests and demands in a palliative way, and to be converted in a conciliatory work philosophy of all the socio- sanitary problems that the complainants could present, looking for answers and to be understood as a change in the actual strategy of the socio-sanitary services, encouraging the personal autonomy.


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