Evaluation of coping styles used in family caregivers of complex chronic patients

Evaluation of coping styles used in family caregivers of complex chronic patients

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María Dolores Ruiz Fernández
Evangelina Martínez Mengíbar
María López Cano
Antonia Fernández Leyva


The increase in the prevalence of people with multiple pathologies, requires a series of highly complex needs in the family. The aim of this study, was to analyze the coping strategies used by family caregivers of complex chronic patients and their relationship with a number of variables caregiver among which are, living in the home, caring time and age, depending on the gender of this. Transversal descriptive study. The sample consisted of 65 family caregivers of complex chronic patients belonging to the Sanitary District Almería. Caregivers use more passive coping strategy that active coping, with significant differences in fuction of living with the family, so, caregivers who live in the family home obtained higher mean scores in both. Caregivers whose care time is less than one year, significantly higher mean scores obtained in planning, and those whose time care is more than 5 years, the mean scores are significantly higher in denial. There is a significant positive relationship in women between age and acceptance and on the other hand, significant and negative between age and instrumental support. In conclusion, coexistence, caring time, gender and age of the caregiver, can influence the coping strategies used by caregivers, and must be taken into account when designing intervention programs.


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