Dynamic of Quality of Life in Cancer
Main Article Content
This manuscript shows the dynamics of QoL in a group of people with cancer. The QoL corresponds to a multidimensional and dynamic concept that implies the possibility of change of meaning and value of the concept. The methodology is based on triangulation between methods. The sample corresponds to a group of men with prostate cancer (n=160). The quantitative method identifies the changes in QoL. Additionally, the method studies the recalibration mechanism involved in this change. The qualitative method determines the characteristics of communication in QoL implementing an intensive sampling by theoretical representativeness, in 66 participants. The analytical procedure corresponds to the Method of Constants Comparisons. This study confirms that the QoL of patients with prostate cancer is low from the diagnostic phase of the disease. During the hospital period, we identified a partial and incomplete coping style. That means an incomplete adaptation to disease. This effect is limited and disappears by decreasing the risk of recurrence and death, coinciding with the return to everyday life. This situation causes a decrease in QoL. The implementation of a rehabilitation program adapted to the symptoms have a positive impact on improving long term this QoL.
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