Motivation for physical-sports practice and burnout syndrome in students of Health Sciences.

Motivation for physical-sports practice and burnout syndrome in students of Health Sciences.

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Ana Belén Barragán
María del Carmen Pérez-Fuentes
María del Mar Molero
José Jesús Gázquez
África Martos
María del Mar Simón


Objective: To analyze the motives of the physical-sport practice and the burnout in students of Health Science, attending to the gender. As well as, determine the relationship between health status, age and burnout syndrome. Method: The sample is composed of 188 University students belonging to different degrees in Health Science with ages between 18 and 54 years. To carry out the study, the questionnaire of content of the objectives in the exercise was implemented and the Maslach Burnout Inventory. The statistical program SPSS 23 was used for the data analysis. Results: Regarding burnout syndrome according to gender, we found that in the depletion factor, the group of women obtained higher scores, although these differences are not statistically significant, with respect to the group of men. Regarding the reasons for the physical-sporting practice according to gender, although there are no significant differences, the group of women obtains higher scores in the image factor, skill development, social affiliation, and in social recognition, than the group of men. However, the group of men only scores higher in the health direction factor. Conclusions: In this research we find that there are no statistically significant differences in the scores of the five factors of the GCEQ scale, nor in the three factors, exhaustion, cynicism and professional efficacy according to gender in the university students of Health Science.


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