Measures to Nosocomial Infections Prevention by Carbapenems-resistant Bacteria in an Andalusian Hospital

Measures to Nosocomial Infections Prevention by Carbapenems-resistant Bacteria in an Andalusian Hospital

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Francisco Javier Antúnez Rodríguez
Ana García Duque
Adrián Jiménez Salido


The appearance and expansion of carbapenem producing bacteria constitute a global threat of infections without effective treatment. These bacteria usually offer resistance to all antimicrobial of the first-line, producing infections that are very difficult to treat. carbapenem are antimicrobial of wide spectre and high potenty, and due to that they’re used in patients with serious infections, even when a prior risk to have infection by multi-resistant bacteria (MDR) is low. A great tendency exists to keep the same antibiotic from the beginning of treatment until its end, despite the lack of risk factors to have an infection by bacteria MDR. All this produces an avoidable increase of carbapenem antibiotic consumption. Our objective is to analyze if the infection incidence/colonization by Pseudomona aeruginosa in an Andalusian hospital is reduced after the implantation of a set of persuasive measures directed to the optimization of the treatments with carbapenem and to analyze the consumption of carbapenem antibiotics. The method used in an quasiexperimental-ecological study of temporal series from an Andalusian hospital and a quarterly evaluation of indicators.


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