The perception of old age in social education students

The perception of old age in social education students

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Juan Antonio Salmerón
Silvia Martínez De Miguel
Pedro Moreno


It is considered that the social educator from a multi and interdisciplinary perspective, is the professional adequately qualified to project and carry out basic actions at the community level, for the development of actions that favor active aging. For this reason, the objective of this research was proposed to analyze the negative stereotypes towards old age that may exist on the part of the students of the Degree in Social Education. Data were collected using the Negative Stereotypes Towards Old Age Questionnaire (CENVE). The results obtained refer to the highest proportion of stereotypes in the students related to the health factor. Lower levels of stereotypes were related in students who were in the last years of the Degree in Social Education compared to those in initial courses, where significant differences were observed (t = 2.76;
p = 0.01). It can be concluded that as students increase their academic trajectory during the Degree in Social Education at the University of Murcia, their level of stereotypes towards old age is lower, although their eradication is not achieved at the end of their training. The need to review the curriculum in the direction of increasing knowledge related to older people is pointed out.


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