Evaluation and adequacy of the psychometric properties of an instrument to measure the level of reputation in the dental university health care sector

Evaluation and adequacy of the psychometric properties of an instrument to measure the level of reputation in the dental university health care sector

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Maria José Muñoz Leal
Marco Ferrari
Raúl Aguilera Eguía
Edoardo Ferrari
Josep Ustrell Torrent


The psychometric properties of an instrument applied to measure reputation in the banking field and its adaptation to the health field were analyzed in order to determine whether the questionnaire applied confers reliability and validity to be applied in future studies in users of the health sector. Qualitative research with instrument confirmation. A pilot phase was applied to 97 patients. The application of the restructured instrument was applied to a sample of 323 men and women who attended the Dental Clinic of the Andrés Bello University, Concepción (Chile). During the pilot phase and application of the instrument, two exploratory factor analyses, Bartlett's test, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin coefficient (KMO) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Varimax method with Kaiser normalization were applied. During the applicability analysis phase of the instrument, two confirmatory factor analyses were also applied for Relational Commitment (RC), Behavioral Intention (BI) and Relational Value (RV). According to the results obtained, the instrument initially created by Khan, Kadir and Wahab for the banking area can be considered a reliable and solid instrument for estimating reputation in the health area. It is considered that the adaptation made to the instrument exhibits appropriate psychometric properties consistent with the original instrument. Measuring relational value can go a long way in determining the future behavior of users who are accustomed to visiting an organization associated with the healthcare sector.


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