Level of corporate social responsibility with the loyalty of the clients of dental care customers in times of pandemic
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Because in the health care area there are few studies linking this with customer loyalty in the Latin American context, the level of corporate social responsibility with customer loyalty was examined. The level of corporate social responsibility was examined with the loyalty of dental care customers in times of pandemic. Instrument applied to 323 patients of the dental clinic. An Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied through open source and free distribution software. An Ordinal Alpha of 0.996 and 0.922 was obtained, showing that the model presented is adequate. Patients give priority to their emotional, sentimental commitment to the institution, being the main variable, followed by the interdependent relationship they give between themselves and the institution. We successfully presented the performance of an ERA to measure and find the latent variables in the study defined for the present study, the numerical results, of the multivariate method have indicated its suitability and ability to explain the suitability of its use, with values of goodness of fit, and reliability that meet the requirements for its applicability. In the case presented, the results of the AFE confirm that for the clinical study in times of pandemic only two latent variables are important to understand the relationship of patients with the clinical, being these the Factor 1: Relational Commitment and the Factor 2: Relational value of interdependence.
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