Validation of the maternal communication scale on sexual health

Validation of the maternal communication scale on sexual health

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Consuelo Rubi Rosales Piña
Ricardo Sánchez Medina
David Javier Enríquez Negrete


Communication between parents, sons and daughters is fundamental and has been shown to be a predictor of protective or risk behaviors in different areas. Although there are instruments that assess it, there are not culturally valid and reliable instruments that allow us to know what men who have sex with men talk about and how they perceive the communication they have with their mothers regarding sexual health. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to validate the maternal sexual communication scale in men who have sex with men. The participants were 219 single young men with an average age of 21 years, who attended a clinic specializing in HIV care, of whom 64.7% reported identifying themselves as homosexual, all of whom mentioned living with their mother. The maternal communication scale on sexual health (ECM-SS), consisting of 14 items in Likert-type format with five response options, was applied individually. A descriptive analysis was performed for each of the items, and an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was obtained, as well as the internal consistency (ω McDonald’s). According to the exploratory factor analysis, the scale consisted of 14 items grouped into two factors, the first with eight and the second with six items, with a total explained variance of 76.6. The confirmatory factor analysis was adjusted in the second model obtaining the following values of adjustment x2=196, p<.001, CFI=0.9, RMSEA=.08, finally ω=.90 was obtained for each factor. The psychometric properties of the scale are adequate, it is suggested to extend the evidence in similar samples, allowing the use of this scale in the evaluation of maternal communication on sexual health, to promote protective sexual behaviors.


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