Order and chronology of temporary teeth breaking

Order and chronology of temporary teeth breaking

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Dra. Leslie Imara de Armas Gallegos
Dra. Nurys Mercedes Batista González
Dra. Elaine Fernández Pérez


The order and chronology of the temporary tooth eruption is an expression of the child's growth and influences his later dental development. Having knowledge about the average age of emergence of each tooth is useful to establish a diagnosis, prevention and treatment of malocclusions, for which the objective of this research is to characterize the pattern of emergence of primary dentition in children in Cerro district, Havana, Cuba. For this, a descriptive observational study was designed in 370 children of both sexes between 0 and 36 months of age, in said clinic during September / 2017 to January / 2020. The variables were studied: age, sex, tooth, hemiarcade and chronology of the dental outbreak. Frequency distributions were made to all the variables under study and the results are presented in statistical tables. The t-Student test was used to verify significant differences. The main results obtained were that the teeth of the maxillary arch erupted before those of the mandibular, except for the central incisors and the lower left lateral incisor. Although the fact that the dental flare began first in males in both arches (5,86 months in the maxilla, ± 0,92; and in the mandible 4,92 months ± 1,09), the time period of outbreak was somewhat faster in females (19,83 months in the maxilla and 21,64 months in the mandible) and males (20,26 months and 22,16 months), but without significant differences (p <0, 05). It is concluded that the eruption pattern was similar to that described in the literature, except for slight advancement for the central incisors and delay in second primary molars.


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