Intrahospitalary location and antimicrobial initial treatment in patients with acquired pneumonia in the community and their relationship with the frequency and quality of the stratification process

Intrahospitalary location and antimicrobial initial treatment in patients with acquired pneumonia in the community and their relationship with the frequency and quality of the stratification process

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Luis Alberto Corona Martínez
Iris González Morales
María Caridad Fragoso Marchante


The initial evaluation of the patient's condition with pneumonia is a very important assistance action.  The objective was evaluate the relationship between the frequency and quality of the stratification process of the patient with pneumonia, and the execution of suggestions of intrahospitalary location and the initial antimicrobial treatment of stratification instrument. A descriptive study was done on a population of 1,809 patients hospitalized during 10 years. The indexes of intrahospitalary location and of antimicrobian initial treatment were analized according to the suggestions of the instrument; in the statistical analysis it was used the odds ratio and the statistician X2, with a significant level of 95%. The intrahospitalary location was in agreement with the suggestion of the instrument in 96% of the cases, with the lowest value in patients with serious pneumonia and high recovery probabilities (82%, p <,05). The frequency of intrahospitalary location was bigger and veryfied with the suggestion of the instrument in the termed well stratified patients (p <,05), fundamentally in the patients with serious pneumonia and high recovery probabilities. The correspondence of the initial antimicrobial treatment with the proposal of the instrument was of 61%; the stratum IIIA showed the highest value (80%, p <,05). As conclusions, a high performance in the execution of the suggestion of the intrahospitalary location has been one of the characteristics of the process, although as a negative element it stands out the frequent non-fulfillment of the suggestion of the initial antimicrobial treatment. There was a relationship between the stratification process and the execution of the suggestion of the intrahospitalary location.


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