Intrapelvic Migration of Kirschner Wire in Total Hip Arthroplasty with Bone Graft

Intrapelvic Migration of Kirschner Wire in Total Hip Arthroplasty with Bone Graft

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Álvaro Cerda
Víctor Montoya
Nelson Matus
Pedro Pastor


Hip arthroplasty are routine surgical procedures that requires substantial preoperative planning due to the use of all types of implants and orthopedic pins. In this case, the Kirschner wires allow the bone implant fixation to the acetabulum. However, various circumstances may cause migration of the wire placement instead to a nearby anatomical region and may lead to severe and fatal consequences. In this paper a case of migration of the Kirschner wire inside the pelvis occurs after a total hip replacement in a patient diagnosed with bilateral congenital hip dysplasia. The knowledge that the surgeon must possess to manipulate and place this kind of needles is of importance to carry out a suitable and safe surgical procedure, allowing the patient to obtain a refund of the joint function.


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