Endoscopic transsphenoidal endonasal surgery in pituitary adenomas

Endoscopic transsphenoidal endonasal surgery in pituitary adenomas

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Deniss Calderón Alemán
Pablo Carrión Durán
Doris Calderón Alemán
Diego Gutiérrez Ramón


The pituitary adenomas comprise the largest part of pituitary neoplasms, representing between 9 and 12% of primary brain tumors. Currently, the treatment of election is the surgical, the trans-sphenoidal endonasal path has provided a broader panoramic view, being feasible more delicate and safe procedures. The objective of this study was to describe the management of pituitary adenomas by endoscopic surgery trans-sphenoidal endonasal path. This is a study in a series of cases, with a sample of 17 patients who met the selection criteria and were attended at the José Carrasco Hospital Arteaga, Cuenca - Ecuador, period 2018 - 2019. All patients presented informed consent for the performance of the surgery and the subsequent dissemination of the results. The 53% of the population belonged to the male gender, 47% were patients between 40 and 60 years old, 65% were detected with macroadenomas, and 29% presented complications such as nasal obstruction, sphenoiditis and headache, the residual tumor stage was due 24%.Endoscopic surgery trans-sphenoidal endonasal path is a safe, minimally invasive tool, a surgical alternative with a high rate of tumor excision, better control and fewer complications, which reduces the morbidity of patients.


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