Considerations on the relationship between dialectal variation and therapeutic approaches to speech disorders

Considerations on the relationship between dialectal variation and therapeutic approaches to speech disorders

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Viviana Vergara
Juan Ceballos Ospina
Nimrod Cifuentes Muñoz


In healthcare, phenomena which are frequent and expected in a given community or culture are considered normal. However, the criteria currently used to determine when speech sound interventions should be performed do not adhere to this standard, and do not take into account patients’ psychosocial characteristics, but rather continue to follow the biomedical model. After a review of the relevant literature, we propose that new criteria for speech sound evaluation and intervention are needed. We argue that such criteria should be developed by a multidisciplinary group made up of experts in healthcare, education and the social sciences, using a descriptivist framework and adhering to the biopsychosocial model.


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