Pathologies of the oral area in newborns and infants: frenula and contributions of laser systems

Pathologies of the oral area in newborns and infants: frenula and contributions of laser systems

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María del Pilar Martín Santiago
Norbert Gutknecht


The purpose of this article is to improve our knowledge about the structures and function of the different elements present in the mouth of newborns since dentists sometimes do not remember the importance of the mouth in the general development of infants and the need for an early intervention with lasers to help them obtain a good state of their Oral System. We performed a comprehensive clinical exploration of the patient in order to make a more accurate diagnosis. When surgery is necessary, we recommend to use erbium lasers when possible (2780nm Er, Cr: YSGG laser or a 2940nm Er: YAG), as they are a quick and effective option to treat these oral lesions, specially lip or tongue ties which can risk the act of breastfeeding; moreover, we can also use diode lasers (810nm, 940nm, 980nm or a 1064nm Nd:YAG laser or CO2 10.600-9600 nm.) al lof them with their specifical safety goggles. These laser systems used by a certified professional, in collaboration with a properly trained staff, are a very important factor during the surgery.By having proper knowledge of the oral structures and their pathologies, we are able to diagnose whether those disorders should be surgically treated and if so, how to proceed with laser systems as they are minimally invasive procedures; or if we should recommend parents to visit a  myofunctional therapist in order to help recover the normal function.The understanding of oral structures of newborns is very important in order to improve the development of craniofacial growth and provide an important service to mothers by giving their babies a right start in life from a very early stage. We need to improve collaboration between professionals from different disciplines in order to enhance our knowledge. 


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