Síntomas de Ansiedad y Depresión en Personal de Salud que Trabaja con Enfermos de COVID-19
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Public health personnel facing COVID-19 are exposed to multiple risks including psychological disorders. The goal of this study was to determine the presence of symptoms associated with anxiety and depression in health personnel working with COVID-19 patients. A descriptive cross-sectional study involving 61 health care professionals and technicians was conducted, working directly with COVID-19 patients, who were consulted about the presence of symptoms associated with depression and anxiety, their main concerns and ongoing working time to avoid the onset of psychological symptoms. 64.1% of participants reported nervousness and 59.2% tiredness, for 90.16% the main concern was the patient's death and 60.66% of participants indicated that the ideal period, of continuous care of COVID-19 patients, to prevent the onset of psychological symptoms was 7 days. Our results suggest that work strategies need to be developed to decrease the onset of symptoms associated with deteriorating mental health of health professionals caring for COVID-19 patients.
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