Dental autologous transplantation: technique optimization of immediate step by step for clinical practice.
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Dental transplantation is a treatment used to replace a missing tooth with another tooth. It is autogenous when it comes from the same individual. The aim of this article is to discuss the surgical protocol and present a case study to optimize the technique for the general dental practitioner. The first molars are the first permanent teeth to erupt during infancy, they are teeth most commonly lost among the permanent dentition. The third molars are best suited for this treatment, the treatment should be undertaken as soon as possible, as the patient ages there is decrease in the mesenchymal cells. Whenever possible, the pericoronal bag should be preserved in the removal of the tooth germ or tooth formed. We present a case where the tooth was placed in the receiver socket, taking into account the anatomical orientation of its faces, in infra-occlusion. The contention was made by silk and point “X” on the occlusal graft and fixed to the adjacent teeth with light-cured resin. Transplantation is an excellent alternative for treating the loss of one molar, especially in young patients.
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