Infliximab-associated pulmonary tuberculosis Regarding the first case reported in Cuba.

Infliximab-associated pulmonary tuberculosis
Regarding the first case reported in Cuba.

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Dr. Donel González Díaz
Dr. Carlos Merino Peralta
Dr. Sergio Fernández García
Dra. Drialis Díaz Garrido


Tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonist drug therapy has been beneficial in the treatment of several diseases such as connective tissue and inflammatory bowel diseases, but it is not without risks. The main complications of these immunosuppressive drugs are infections, and pulmonary tuberculosis is one of the main conditions, which can be observed in patients with this type of treatment. A 31-year-old woman, treated at the Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital, Havana, Cuba, with a history of ulcerative colitis, who has been receiving infliximab therapy for 3 months, presented. He went to the hospital for referring 4 days prior to admission, a fever of 390 C twice a day, accompanied by headache, loss of appetite and pain in the perineal region. A chest X-ray was performed, which described heterogeneous radiopacity that goes from the upper horn of the right hilum to axillary planes, in the chest axial tomography they report consolidation in the anterior segment of the right upper lobe with the presence of air bronchogram and in the bronchial lavage microbiological for acid-fast bacilli coding 8, positive for mycobacterium tuberculosis was reported. Accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis related to the use of tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonist drugs requires a high index of suspicion and detailed investigation. There is a high degree of diagnostic complexity, due to the existence of a wide clinical spectrum and the need to exclude other diseases.


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