Preliminary draft of a bag biodigester for the kitchen dining room of a swine company
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The use of biodigesters worldwide and in Cuba has had a notable growth due to the implementation of energy policies that promote the use of renewable energy sources. The objective of this work is to show the energy, agricultural and economic advantages that the use of biodigesters should promote in the pig farm and neighboring farms. In the preliminary project, biodigester calculation methodologies from FAO, ECLAC and the Institute of Porcine Research of the Republic of Cuba were used. The calculation made for the kitchen of 100 people shows that 13 plastic bags of 10 m3 each are required. The economic evaluation is carried out in Cuban pesos (CUP) with an equivalence of 24 CUP / $ USD and shows that an initial investment of 94,334.24 $ CUP is necessary, which results in an annual income of 101,485.26 $ CUP for the use of biogas and the sale of the fertilizer obtaining a NPV of 215,265.05 $ CUP, an IRR of 30% and a period of recovery of the investment of (PRI) of 3.2 years in an estimated useful life of 10 years, which makes it an attractive investment. The proposed social investment aims to improve the living and working conditions of the personnel who use firewood to cook food and also contributes to preserving the nearby forest by avoiding the burning of 56 t / year of wood as fuel.
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