Systematizations of Recreational Science Workshops as Open Educational Resources in Mexico
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Open Educational Resources (OER) are an important part of the Open Science ecosystem as a proposal to open educational experiences that can be used at different times and in different contexts, each time with proposals focused on taking advantage of different work proposals. One of the essential values for scientific work, from Merton’s perspective, is communism: sharing ideas, models, methodologies and results helps to promote the advancement of science, which is in line with the open science proposal. The activities of public communication of science and technology take this a step further, by making scientific topics accessible to different social sectors; in particular, workshops play an interesting role in this sense, by fostering processes of collective construction of knowledge among their participants. For many years, groups dedicated to the development of workshops have used oral and informal dynamics to transmit the essence of their activities and encourage their replication, which considerably limits their scope. The formalization and dissemination of workshop models in systematization documents, which function as OER, can be an important step for the community of workshop groups and also to take advantage of these resources in spaces such as schools, museums and public libraries. This article uses the case study methodology to identify and describe the progress of the proposal for a Repository of Open Educational Resources with systematizations of recreational science workshops, seeking to encourage the use of these resources at a general level and to promote the principle of openness and use of the scientific efforts made in Mexico.
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