Compliance with criteria
In accordance with the RESOLUTION of November 23, 2017, of the National Commission to Evaluate the Research Activity, whereby the specific criteria approved for each of the evaluation fields are published (Published in BOE nº.- 292 of December 1, 2017), and specifically in Field 7: Social, Political, Behavioral and Educational Sciences, we have to:
- All contributions must be classifiable as ordinary according to the Order of December 2, 1994. Applications that submit patents, after a report from the committee, will be transferred to Field 6.
- The number of authors of a contribution must be justified by the subject, its complexity and its extent.
- The contributions will preferably be valued:
- a) The articles in magazines of recognized value, being accepted as such the ones collected in the lists by scientific fields in the Subject Category Listing of the Journal Citation Reports and of the Journal Citation Reports (Science Citation Index ) Of the 'Web of Knowledge (WoK)'.
- b) Articles published in journals occupying relevant positions in SCOPUS listings, in journals listed in the "Journal of Citation Reports" of the "Web of Knowledge (WoK)", may also be considered in journals listed in other national or international databases (eg ERIH, DICE-CINDOC, etc.), or in journals accredited by FECYT, provided that, in the opinion of the advisory committee, they have a scientific quality similar to those included in the indexes mentioned and which meet the criteria specified in appendix I of this resolution.
- c) Electronic journals will be subject to the same criteria as the others.
- d) Books and book chapters, in which evaluation will take into account the number of citations received; the prestige of the publisher; the editors; the collection in which the work is published; reviews in specialized scientific journals, and translations of the work into other languages.
The repeated publication of works in journals or publishing houses belonging to or associated with the same organization where the applicant carries out his research will be evaluated unfavorably.
- As a general rule, in order to obtain a positive evaluation, the five contributions of the abbreviated curriculum vitae shall comply with that described in the previous sections.
- As a guide, it is considered that in order to obtain a positive evaluation in the areas of Sociology, Political Science and Administration, Education Sciences, and Communication and Journalism, at least one of the contributions must be a book of dissemination or international reference that meets the above criteria; or at least two of the contributions should be articles published in journals that meet the criteria of section 3.a); or at least three of the contributions should be articles published in journals that meet the criteria of section 3.b).
As a guideline, it is considered that in order to obtain a positive evaluation in the areas of Psychology at least three of the articles must be published in journals that meet the criteria of section 3.a) and two of them in a medium or high impact journal .
Appendix 1 mentioned in the aforementioned Resolution indicates the following criteria for a means of disseminating research to be recognized as having the least impact:
* Criteria that refer to the informative quality of the journal as a means of scientific communication:
- Identification of the members of the editorial and scientific committees.
- Detailed instructions to authors.
- Information about the evaluation process and selection of manuscripts used by the journal, editorial, selection committee, including, for example, the criteria, procedure and review plan of the reviewers or judges.
- Translation of the summary, titles of articles, keywords and abstracts to English, in case of magazines and proceedings of Congresses.
* Criteria on the quality of the editorial process:
- Periodicity of journals and regularity and homogeneity of the editorial line in case of book publishers.
- Prior evaluations of what was published by experts outside the editorial team.
- Anonymity in the revision of the manuscripts.
- Motivated communication of the editorial decision, for example, use by the journal / editorial / selection committee of a motivated notification of the editorial decision that includes the reasons for the acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript, as well as the original opinions ( or retouched by the writing) issued by external experts.
- Editorial board, or editorial committee composed of director, secretary and some members.
- Advisory board, made up of professionals and researchers of recognized solvency, without institutional link with the magazine or editorial, and oriented to mark the editorial policy and submit it to evaluation.
* Criteria on the scientific quality of journals:
- Percentage of research articles, more than 75% of articles should be papers that report original research results.
- Authoría: degree of editorial inbreeding, more than 75% of the authors will be external to the editorial committee and virtually unrelated to the editorial organization of the journal.
In addition to the above points, it will be particularly appreciated that the journal contains a fixed section with statistical information about the number of papers received and accepted. Special attention will also be given to the progressive indexation of the journal in specialized international databases.
In order to comply with the criteria and to facilitate the authors who publish their articles in the European Journal of Education and Psychology, and to have effects in the CNEAI, when evaluating the research activity, includes a fixed section with data of interest to evaluate the fulfillment of the previous criteria, statistical information on articles received and accepted, and a reference to the databases in which the magazine is included.
As can be seen in the information below, the European Journal of Education and Psychology, meets all and each of the criteria described above, and set forth by the NationalInstitutional Assessment Commission.
Criteria that refer to the informative quality of the journal as a means of scientific communication |
1. Identification of the members of the editorial and scientific committees |
Is fulfilled. Identified in front page and in the page of the Editorial Board. Identified on website. |
2. Detailed Instructions to Authors |
Is fulfilled. Included in each issue in English and Spanish are the Publication Rules. Included in website |
3. Information on the manuscript evaluation and selection process used by the journal, editorial board, selection committee, including, for example, the criteria, procedures and review plan of the reviewers or judges. |
Is fulfilled. Information included in the Publication Rules |
4. Translation of the summary, titles of articles, keywords and abstracts to English, in case of magazines and proceedings of Congresses. |
It is true in all cases |
Criteria on the quality of the editorial process |
5. Periodicity of the journals and regularity and homogeneity of the editorial line in case of book publishers |
Is fulfilled. Semi-annual Appearance in the months of June and December of each year. |
6. Prior evaluations of what was published by experts outside the editorial team. |
Is fulfilled. |
7. Anonymity in the revision of the manuscripts. |
Is fulfilled. |
8. Motivated communication of the editorial decision, for example, use by the journal / editorial / selection committee of a motivated notification of the editorial decision that includes the reasons for the acceptance, revision or rejection of the manuscript, as well as the original opinions ( or retouched by the editors) issued by external experts. |
Is fulfilled. Information to the authors on the revisions made with a copy of the evaluations received on their article. Motivated communication of the editorial decision. |
9. Editorial board, or editorial committee composed of director, secretary and some members. |
Is fulfilled. |
10. Advisory board, made up of professionals and researchers of recognized solvency, without institutional link with the magazine or editorial, and oriented to mark the editorial policy and submit it to evaluation |
These functions are fulfilled by the Editorial Board, made up of academics, researchers and professionals of recognized solvency, from several countries and without institutional link with the magazine or its publisher. |
Criteria for scientific quality of journals |
11. Percentage of research articles, more than 75% of articles should be papers that report original research results. |
Is fulfilled. See publication. In the last issue of each year, corresponding statistical information will be reflected. |
12. Authoring: degree of editorial endogamy, more than 75% of the authors will be external to the editorial committee and virtually unrelated to the editorial organization of the journal. |
Is fulfilled. See publication. In the last issue of each year, corresponding statistical information will be reflected. |
12.a. In addition to the above points, it will be particularly appreciated that the journal contains a fixed section with statistical information about the number of papers received and accepted. Special attention will also be given to the progressive indexing of the journal in specialized international databases. |
Is fulfilled. See publication. In the last issue of each year, corresponding statistical information will be reflected. |
The Magazine covers 33 Latindex criteria. European Journal of Education and Psychology (EJEP) was included in the following databases:
LATINDEX: (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal).
DIALNET: Database of the University of La Rioja.
DICE: (Dissemination and Editorial Quality of the Spanish Journals of Humanities and Social and Legal Sciences), the result of a collaboration agreement between the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation (ANECA) , which has now been renamed the Institute of Documentary Studies on Science and Technology (IEDCYT).
RESH: (Spanish Journals of Social and Human Sciences). Integrated Assessment and Index of Appointments. Prepared by the Institute of Documentary Studies on Science and Technology (IEDCYT).
PsycINFO: Psycinfo is the database developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) and distributed by the WebSPIRS platform of SilverPlatter with international coverage on Psychology and related disciplines such as Psychiatry, Education, Sociology, Law, Pharmacology, etc.
EBSCOhost: The EBSCOhost Electronic Diaries (EJS) service is a gateway to thousands of e-journals containing millions of articles from hundreds of different publishers.
ULRICHSWEB: The number one in search engines for articles, magazines, magazines ...
ISOC: CINDOC has been renamed the Institute of Documentary Studies on Science and Technology (IEDCYT). ISOC
REDIB: Open Access Platform for Spanish and Latin American Scientific Journals. It originated from the Tecnociencia portal, carried out within a FECYT-CSIC agreement (2004-2006). Currently developed by specialized personnel belonging to the Institute for Documentary Studies on Science and Technology (IEDCYT-CSIC), formerly CINDOC (Center for Scientific Information and Documentation).
REDALYC: Scientific Information System Redalyc:The Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Redalyc is a project promoted by the Autonomous State University of Mexico (UAEM), with the aim of contributing to the dissemination of scientific publishing activity that occurs in and on Ibero-America.
DOAJ: Directory of open access journals: Multidisciplinary directory of open access journals with links to web pages offering full texts of the articles of these journals. Some of the magazines are emptied in the directory itself so it allows you to search for articles.
COMPLUDOC: Complutense University Library Madrid.
PSICODOC: Is an international database with multilingual interface (Spanish, English and Portuguese) that facilitates the bibliographic search and access to the full text of the scientific publications on Psychology and other related disciplines.
CITE FACTOR: Service that provides access to open access journals and uses a quality controlled system. The purpose of this Directory is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and academic journals, thus promoting its greater use and impact.
MIAR: Gathers key data for identification and analysis of journals. These are grouped into major scientific areas -subdivided turn in more specialist academic fields.
CIRC: The objective is to build a classification of scientific journals of Social and Human Sciences according to their quality by integrating the existing assessment products considered positively by the different national evaluation agencies such as CNEAI, ANECA).
IRESIE: is an information system specialized in Ibero-American education.
1 |
Editorial Mention |
COMPLIES. The members of the Editorial Committee are listed. |
2 |
Content |
COMPLIES. At least 40% of the published works are unpublished original articles, technical reports, standards or specifications, papers or communications to congresses, letters to the editor or short articles, review articles, art states, etc. |
3 |
Minimum Age 1 year |
COMPLIES. The magazine began to be published more than 12 months ago, an indispensable requirement for its evaluation. |
4 |
Identification of authors |
COMPLIES. In each work appears the First and Last name of the authors. |
5 |
Place of publication |
COMPLIES. The city of edition of the magazine appears in visible place. |
6 |
Publisher entity |
COMPLIES. The entity or institution that publishes the magazine is conspicuously visible. |
7 |
Director's Mention |
COMPLIES. Appears the name of the director of the publication, responsible editorial or equivalent. |
8 |
Address Mention |
COMPLIES. The postal address or e-mail address of the magazine's administration is displayed in a visible place for the purpose of requesting subscriptions, exchanges, submission of papers. |
Presentation characteristics of the journal |
9 |
Presentation pages |
COMPLIES. The full title, ISSN, volume, number, date and bibliographic letterhead appears. |
10 |
Mention of periodicity |
COMPLIES. It indicates the periodicity of the magazine, which will be in two months (June and December). |
11 |
Table of contents (Index) |
COMPLIES. In each issue a table of contents, index or summary appears in which the data of title, author and home page are recorded. |
12 |
Bibliographic letterhead at the beginning of the article |
COMPLIES. At the beginning of each article appears the bibliographic letterhead where the source is identified. |
13 |
Bibliographic letterhead on each page |
COMPLIES. On each page the letterhead that identifies the source of the published article appears. |
14 |
Editorial board members |
COMPLIES. The names of the members of the editorial board of the magazine appear. |
15 |
Institutional affiliation of editorial board members |
COMPLIES. The names of the institutions to which the members of the editorial board are attached, as well as the country to which they belong, are provided. |
16 |
Affiliation of authors |
COMPLIES. The first page of each article shows the name of the institution of work of the author or authors. |
17 |
Reception and acceptance of originals |
COMPLIES. The last page of each article shows the dates of reception, reception of rectifications and acceptance. |
Presentation characteristics of the journal |
18 |
COMPLIES. It identifies clearly. |
19 |
Definition of the journal |
COMPLIES. The section "Publication Rules" mentions the objective, thematic and / or public coverage to which it is addressed, as well as in the initial pages of the journal. |
20 |
Arbitration system |
COMPLIES. The journal contains the procedure used to select the articles to be published, which is anonymous and in pairs. |
21 |
External Evaluators |
COMPLIES. It is mentioned that the arbitration system uses external evaluators of the entity or institution that publishes the journal, as well as members of the Editorial Committee. |
22 |
External authors |
COMPLIES. At least 50% of the published works must come from external authors to the publishing entity. |
23 |
Editorial opening |
COMPLIES. More than two-thirds of the editorial board are outside the publishing entity. |
24 |
Information Services |
COMPLIES. It shows where the journal appears indexed, as well as the data bases and directories that will be asked to include them. |
25 |
Compliance with periodicity |
Characteristics of the contents |
26 |
Original content |
COMPLIES. At least 40% of the articles are original research, scientific communication or creation works |
27 |
Instructions to Authors |
COMPLIES. Instructions to the authors on the sending of originals and abstracts are given in at least some number of the year. |
28 |
Preparation of bibliographic references |
COMPLIES. The instructions to the authors indicate the rules for the preparation of bibliographical references. |
29 |
Requirement of originality |
COMPLIES. The Publication Rules for authors mention this requirement for papers submitted for publication, and the author must send a letter to the Director of the journal expressly stating the originality. |
30 |
Summary |
COMPLIES. All articles are accompanied by a summary in the original language of the work. |
31 |
Summary in two languages |
COMPLIES. In all the works two abstracts appear: in the original language of the work and in a second language. |
32 |
Keywords |
COMPLIES. Key words are included in the original language of the work |
33 |
Keywords in two languages |
COMPLIES. Each article includes keywords or equivalent in the original language of the work and in another language. |