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RESH: (Spanish Journals of Social and Human Sciences). Integrated Assessment and Index of Appointments. Prepared by the Institute of Documentary Studies on Science and Technology (IEDCYT). |
IEDCYT: CINDOC has been renamed the Institute of Documentary Studies on Science and Technology (IEDCYT). ISOC. |
Dialnet: |
Latindex: |
Psyke: |
PsycINFO: Psycinfo is the database developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) and distributed by SilverPlatter's WebSPIRS platform with international coverage on Psychology and related disciplines such as Psychiatry, Education, Sociology, Law, Pharmacology, etc. |
Scopus: |
Ebsco: |
Compludoc: |
PsycARTICLES: is a database of full texts of magazine articles published by the American Psychological Association, by APA Educational Advertising Foun- dation, by the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe Publishing Group.
PROQUEST: Find articles, first resources and more ...
SCIENCEDIRECT: Scientific articles.
EDUCATION ABSTRACTS: Bibliographic database of articles.
REDALYC: Network of Scientific Journals of Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
E-ciencia: The Community of Madrid, in a clear support to the movement of "open access" of the information and scientific production by electronic means, offers to the society this digital Platform of free access to the scientific production, generated by the public Universities based in the Madrid region - integrated in the Madroño Consortium - as well as by any researcher from another university, institution, IPO, or independently, pretending and willing to participate in the dissemination of open science, ie discovering and transmitting knowledge to the scientific community and society in general.
DOAJ: Multidisciplinary project created and maintained by the University of Lund (UK).
SCIELO: Online Electronic Scientific Library.
REBIUM: Network of university libraries. |
TDX: Doctoral Thesis in Xarxa.
TESEO: Teseo is a database with the information of the Doctoral Theses since 1976. This page is created to allow the future doctor to enter the data of his thesis in the system.
CYBERTESIS: Electronic thesis on line.
HISPANA. Directory and collector of digital resources.
REDIB: Created from the Tecnociencia portal, within a FECYT-CSIC agreement. It is also developed by the Institute of Documentary Studies on Science and Technology (IEDCYT-CSIC), formerly CINDOC (Center for Scientific Information and Documentation).