1.- European Journal of Child Development, Education and Psychopathology is a biannual and multidisciplinary publication in the field of Education and Psychology, edited by ASUNIVEP, open to empirical collaborations and to communicate research results in any of the different fields of study of Education and / or Psychology. Manuscripts are allowed in Spanish and English. The submitted works must be unpublished and not in the process of revision in any other publication or have been sent to other publications simultaneously, a circumstance that must be accredited by sending a letter to the Director of the journal, stating expressly, that his work is not , nor has it been sent to another medium.

2.- The type of collaboration that is supported is the following:

2.a.-) Contributions are accepted in the form of articles of an empirical or research nature, which will consist of the following sections:

Introduction, Method (participants, instruments, procedure), Results, Conclusions / Discussion and References / Bibliography, always at the end of the text, NOT footnote.

3.- Manuscripts will not exceed 30 pages in double space, on a single side, including tables, figures and illustrations or the 5,000 words together. The works must have minimum margins of 3 cms, and font Times 12.

3.a.-) The first page will include the title of the work, name of the author (s), professional category, institution or agency to which they belong, postal address, email address and contact telephone number. Also the postal address will appear for the sending of copies of the magazine.

3.b.-) The second page of the manuscript will include the title of the manuscript and a summary (between 180 and 210 words) in both Spanish and English, specifying a maximum of five descriptors or keywords in both languages. Likewise, it must incorporate an abbreviated title of the work.

3.c.-) The third page will start the work, without any type of identifying data of the authors.

3.d.-) The tables, figures and illustrations will be numbered consecutively with numbers, indicating in the text the approximate place in which they must be incorporated. The actual maximum size is 12x18 cms, including table header and / or foot of figure. Each one will be presented in a separate document, (Table 1, Table 2, ...), and should be sent without blocking or access keys that prevent its handling by the editing team.

4.- In the writing of the manuscripts for any type of collaboration will follow the rules of publication of the American PsychologicalAssociation collected in Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6ª).

It is recommended, and as an example, the consultation of the articles published in the journal, where each and every one of the different forms of writing and incorporating bibliographical references appear in the text and at the end of it. Serve, briefly, by way of example:


--For Articles:

Confrey, J., Castro-Filho, J. & Wilhelm, J. (2000). Psychology in mathematics education. Educational Psychologist, 35(1), 179-192.



Van Lieshout, E.C.D., Jaspers, W. & Landewé, B.H. (1994). Mathematical word problem solving of normally achieving and mildly mentally retarded children. Doetingchem / Rapallo: Graviant Publishing Company.


- For Book Chapters:

Hofer, B.K., Yu, S.L. & Pintrich, P.R. (1998). Teaching college students to be self-regulated learners. In D.H. Schunk & B.J. Zimmermam (Eds.), Self-regulated learning. From Teaching to self.reflective practice (pp. 57-85). New York: Guilford Press.


5.- To submit a manuscript for editorial review, a copy in a Word document, as an attachment by e-mail, will be sent to the Director to the e-mail address of the Journal: ejpad@uautonoma.cl

6.- The revision, which will follow a protocol established for this purpose, will be anonymous, and the work will be sent to 2 evaluators, so that the names of the authors, or their origin should not appear in any of the sections of the manuscript. In the event that formal corrections should be made before sending to the reviewers, authors will be informed to do so. No work will be definitively accepted until corrections have been made. To facilitate the task of the Editorial Committee, when authors submit a previously evaluated manuscript with the suggested corrections, they will do so in "change control" mode, and specify those modifications made. If, after 3 months after the receipt of the manuscript by the EJPAD, the author has not been informed of the acceptance of the manuscript, the manuscript is deemed rejected and can be sent to another publication.

7.- Correction of tests. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, a proof of composition of the article will be sent to the author. The proofs must be carefully checked for possible compositional errors and returned to the Director within 10 days of receipt by the author, by e-mail, including (page, line, word, etc.) modify or correct.

8.- Each published article will include the date of receipt of the manuscript, the date of sending once the modifications have been made and the date of final acceptance.

9.- The authors will not assume the costs of editing, they will only bear the shipping costs of the issue of the magazine where your article is published, the amount amounts to € 150 (management + printing copies + shipping to Spain). European Journal of Child Development, Education and Psychopathology, will send the first author that copy of the journal.

10.- The European Journal of Child Development, Education and Psychopathology allows reuse and remix of content published in accordance with the Creative license Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0): can be copied, used, disseminate, transmit and publicly expose with the condition of citing the original source (journal, authors and URL).

11.- Ethical responsibilities. Articles that describe funded studies should include credit recognition and permission for publication by the institution that funded the research. The authors are responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed in the published works, without compromising in them. Any responsibility for any conflicts arising from the authorship of the studies published in the Journal is declined.



The journal adheres to the ethical standards of the Committe of Publication Ethics (COPE).

Among the most important aspects are:

The magazine is dedicated to the publication of articles under the highest standards of quality and ethics. We maintain these standards of ethical behavior at all stages of publication and with all members of our journal. Plagiarism or any other unethical behavior is strictly prohibited.

Publisher Responsibilities:

  • Publication selection: The editor is responsible for the selection of articles that will be published in the journal. The publisher must comply with the ethical standards of the journal and withall legal guidelines, including, but not limited to, those that do not allow defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The publisher is free to discuss decisions related to the selection of articles with the editorial board, the academic committee or an evaluator.
  • Non-discrimination clause: The editor will review manuscripts and make decisions about articles, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality or political ideology.
  • Confidentiality Agreement: The editor and any member of the editorial team are prohibited from disclosing information about the manuscript sent to persons other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial counselor sor editorial staff.
  • Transparency and interests: The editing team is prohibited from using unpublished material in their own research unless he / she has obtained the express written consent of the author. The editor should refrain from manuscripts that represent a conflict of interest as a result of any possible connection, whether competitive or mutual, with institutions, companies, authors, etc.

Responsibilities of reviewers:

  • Confidentiality: Any manuscript submitted for review should be considered a confidential document. This manuscript should not be discussed or presented to third parties or individuals.
  • Timeliness: Due to the sensitivity to reviewing articles, reviewers should inform the editor and reject the review of an article in the event that he / she knows that they will not be able to review the material in a timely manner, or If he / she does not have sufficient knowledge on the subject of the article.
  • Requirements for objectivity: Criticism must be made in a neutral way and opinions should articulate their criticism on the basis of reasonable arguments.
  • Entry into editorial evaluation: Evaluations provide critical information for the editor and for the decision-making process. Reviewers can also help publishers by communicating with authors and offering suggestions for improving the article through editorial communication.
  • Recognition of sources: Reviewers should take into account the relevant published material that is not cited by the author and if there is any significant similarity between the published articles and the manuscript under consideration.
  • Transparency and interests: private information or ideas collected through peer review should remain private and not be used for the benefit of the reviewer. Reviewers should refrain from manuscripts that represent a conflict of interest as a result of any possible connection, whether competitive or mutual, with institutions, companies, authors, etc.

Responsibilities of theauthor:

  • Principles of research: Authors are responsible for presenting the original research, a truthful description of the work required for an article, and an objective discussion of the importance of the results. Key facts should be frankly explained in the article. The written report should include sufficient details and references so that others may repeat the investigation. Deliberately false or incorrect statements constitute unethical activities and will not be tolerated.
  • Redundant, numerous or simultaneous publication: In general terms, an author should not try to publish identical materials by basically delineating the research in more than one journal or other type of primary publication. The presentation of the same subject matter in several journals and / or the publication of the same work in various journals comprises unethical publication behavior and will not be tolerated.
  • Authenticity and plagiarism: Authors must guarantee that they will present completely original works, and that the text or materials that the authors have used refers to it correctly. Plagiarism in any form is unethical editorial behavior and will not be tolerated.
  • The authorship of the article: The authorship belongs to those individuals who contributed considerably in the article should be mentioned as co-authors.
  • Recognition of sources: appropriate recognition of the work of other authors in the article is required. Authors should include the publications of those who influenced the formation of the substance of their work.
  • Transparency and interests: All authors must disclose in their final manuscript any financial or other financial conflicts that could interfere with the results and interpretations in their investigations. All funding for the project must be disclosed.

Notice of copyright.

  • The submitted manuscripts must be original and unpublished and must not be simultaneously published in other journals, compilations or any other means of publication. The copyright will be from the publisher.
  • This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research available to the public free of charge supports a greater exchange of global knowledge. 
  • The publication are distributed under the creative commons licence Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • The rights of the works published in this journal are property of the author and they are free to distribute and disseminate the same sources as long as he correctly cites the font of publication and these acts are not for commercial purposes.


Privacy statement.

  • The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.