Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivium L) diet on reproductive functions of adult female rats

Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivium L) diet on reproductive functions of adult female rats

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Chika Anna Idaguko
Gladys Agoreyo


Introduction: The relationships between wheat diet, sex hormone and the estrous cycle are important from the perspective of fertility. Aim: This study aims to investigate the effect of wheat diet on weight, estrous cycle, reproductive hormones and histology of the ovary of female Sprague-Dawley rats. Methods: Prior to the test, vaginal smear was monitored daily for 16 days period to select females with normal (regular) estrous cycle. A total of twenty rats with regular estrous cycle weighing between 170-200 g were randomized into four sets of 5 animals each. Group A is the female control and was fed with rat chow, group B, C and D was given 40%, 60%, 100% of wheat diet respectively. The wheat diet was giving respectively for a period of 4 weeks. Estrous cycle pattern was monitored using the vaginal smear for 16 days. At the end of the experiment, the rats were sacrificed and the blood sample were taken for follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormones, estradiol, and progesterone analysis. The histology of the ovary were carried out. Results: The result showed that there was an increase in the weight of the rats that was fed with wheat and the increase was diet dependent. The wheat diets disrupt the order of appearance of normal estrous cycle stages, hence; there was no constancy in the frequency of all cycle stages in the wheat groups, mostly the 100% wheat group. No significant endocrine or histological differences noticed between control and wheat diets groups. Therefore photomicrograph of wheat diet shows large corpus luteum, thick germinal epithelium, zona granulosa and oocyte. Conclusion: Wheat diets disrupt the estrous cycle of the rats; however no adverse effect was noticed on the circulating reproductive hormones and histology of the ovary. However, high consumption of wheat should be taken with precaution.


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