Clinical utility of point-of-care ultrasonography in the patient on shock: A narrative review

Clinical utility of point-of-care ultrasonography in the patient on shock: A narrative review

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Juan Santiago Serna - Trejos
Stefanya Geraldine Bermúdez – Moyano
Manuela Castaño – Orozco
Vanessa Montoya – Valencia
Juan Camilo Diaz – Beltrán
Melissa Martínez – Garcia
Henry Fernando Botero – Suárez


Shock, a medical emergency characterized by inadequate perfusion and organ dysfunction, can be classified as distributive, hypovolemic, cardiogenic and obstructive. Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) has established itself as a fundamental tool in the differential diagnosis and therapeutic guidance in patients with shock. This article reviews the clinical utility of POCUS, highlighting its high diagnostic accuracy in differentiating types of shock, with sensitivities and specificities greater than 90% in scenarios such as hypovolemic and obstructive shock. In addition, the use of POCUS has been shown to improve diagnostic accuracy in the emergency department, optimize hydric resuscitation and reduce mortality in critical patients. Its implementation strengthens clinical decision making, integrating a rapid and effective diagnostic approach that favors interdisciplinary management to prevent multiorgan failure and death.


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