Periodontal status of the second molar adjacent to the third mandibular molar

Periodontal status of the second molar adjacent to the third mandibular molar

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Katherine Daniela Luzuriaga Chávez
Santiago Andrés López Jurado


Third molars have an unusual eruption pattern. Studies suggest that, due to the position and angulation of these, various pathologies could occur in the adjacent molars, such as periodontal problems and the appearance of distal caries. The objective of this work is to describe the periodontal status of mandibular second molars adjacent to mandibular third molars. For this, a descriptive transversal study was carried out. We worked with a sample of 277 patients that went to the Dental UCSG Clinic to have their third molars extracted in the period A-2018. An intraoral clinical examination was performed, and the following variables were observed: probing depth, gingival state, and presence of caries in mandibular second molars. In addition, panoramic x-rays of the patients were reviewed to determine the position of the third mandibular molar and the level of the distal bone crest of the second molars. The results showed that the depth of distal probing of the mandibular second molars were normal (from 1 to 3mm) in 31% of the cases, while in 69% depths greater than 3mm were found. Regarding the presence of bone loss, in 43% of the cases there was no loss, in 35% of the cases there was a slight loss, 22% presented moderate loss and only 1% had severe loss. The presence of mandibular third molars significantly affects the periodontal status of the adjacent second molar, which can lead to periodontal pockets, bone lossand caries in their distal area.


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