Association between Socioeconomic Factors and Postoperative Complications of Cholecystectomy

Association between Socioeconomic Factors and Postoperative Complications of Cholecystectomy

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Herman Romero Ramírez
Norma Muñoz Albán
Consuelo Albán Meneses
Alicia Escobar Torres


The article´s goal isto determine if socioeconomic factors influence the postoperative complications of cholecystectomy. For this, the observational study was defined, analytical and quantitative study was conducted in 100 patients who underwent cholecystectomy. A logistic regression model was applied in which risk factors, socioeconomic characteristics, along with a control variable, were incorporated as variables. Three models were run with alternative dependent variables that are delimited by the type of postoperative complication recorded. The results found showed that women show a higher risk of presenting complications after cholecystectomy, the same occurs in older patients. Likewise, the risk is much lower in people with higher education levels and in patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, they only have a 5% risk of presenting complications. Postoperative complications after cholecystectomy are minimized by using the laparoscopic technique and socioeconomic factors would influence the risk of suffering postoperative complications after said surgery, which makes laparoscopic cholecystectomy a safe operation with many other benefits and advantages over traditional or conventional surgery.


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