Anatomical positions of the inferior dental canal and its relationship with impacted lower third molars in 18- to 29-year-old Ecuadorians.

Anatomical positions of the inferior dental canal and its relationship with impacted lower third molars in 18- to 29-year-old Ecuadorians.

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Veronica Sevilla
Xavier Inga
Felipe Castro
Jose Aguilar


The third molars are the dental organs with the most variations in terms of their formation and time of eruption, which can cause several pathologies. The incidence of third molar impaction varies between 20% and 30%, with predominance in females. Through the inferior dental canal, goes the inferior dental nerve to innervate the molars and lower premolars. Recent studies on variations in the position of the lower dental canal have shown a low incidence of variations. Objective: To determine the prevalence of anatomical variations of the inferior dental canal in relation to impacted lower third molars, by means of digital image analysis in patients who attended the X-Ray Imaging Center in Azogues in 2016. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on patients who attended the center X-Ray Imaging Center in Azogues in 2016. The following variables were analyzed: sex, age, variation of the position of the inferior dental canal in relation to the third impacted molar, the radiographic details according to the Monaco classification, and tooth position according to the Winter classification. In total, 64 radiographs were analyzed. Results: It was found that 5% of participants showed no relation of the inferior dental canal with the lower third molar, 72% had a relation of the dental canal with the third molar, and 23% presented with absence of the third molar. According to the Winter classification, the prevalence was 53% mesioangular, 18% horizontal, 19% vertical, 6% vestibuloversion, and 4% inverted. Conclusion: The third molars present high indexes of relation with the inferior dental canal in 18- to 29-year-old Ecuadorians.


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