Mandibular Osteonecrosis Induced by Bisphosphonates in a Carrier of Chronicle Kidney Disease
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The bisphosphonates are synthetic substances of inorganic pyrophosphate that have been the basis of treatment of patients with osteolytic diseases, such as multiple myeloma, malignant hypercalcemia, Paget's disease, or patients with bone metastases. Its main pharmacological effect is inhibition of bone resorption caused by osteoclasts, which have a reduced function. Their adverse effects are infrequent but include pyrexia, impaired renal function, hypocalcemia, and more recently, maxillo-mandibular ostenecrose induced bofosfonatos. In this report we describe a clinical case of jaw osteonecrosis induced by bisphosphonates in patient with chronic kidney disease and the treatment protocol performed.
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