Physical activity and quality of life related to health in chilean elderly adults
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The increasing aging of the population is one of the most important demographic phenomena of the end of the century. The global concern is focused on ensuring that the longevity achieved by the population develops within the best state of health, quality of life and the greatest possible autonomy and independence. This study aimed to describe the relationship that exists between the levels of physical activity measured objectively and the quality of life related to health in Chilean older adults. Single measurement cross-sectional study in the city of Talca, Maule Region, Chile. With a sample of 211 AM, 47 Men and 164 Women, aged 60 or over, were included: over 60 years, residents of Talca, without cognitive problems and / or dementia, who are dependent, Sociodemographic surveys, questionnaires were used EQ-5D-5L, AF measured by GENEActiv® accelerometer. Men presented significant higher levels (p <0.05) of Moderate to vigorous PA and HRQL Index. According to sex and age, the HRQL Index was correlated (r = 0.196) with the total amount of PA and moderate to vigorous PA was correlated (r = 0.185) with the perception of health today in AM. Total PA was positively related to the HRQoL indices of the MA and moderate to vigorous PA showed a positive relationship with the perception of health today of the OA.
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