Journal description
The Chilean Journal of Rehabilitation and Physical Activity (RevChiREAF) is an electronic open access journal with peer review, whose objective is to disseminate scientific knowledge in the field of rehabilitation and physical activity and its effects on the quality of life and health of people in order to share knowledge and awaken the interest and concern of professionals and researchers.

-Disseminate scientific knowledge in the field of rehabilitation and physical activity and its effects on the quality of life and health of people in order to share knowledge and arouse the interest and concern of professionals and researchers.
-Communicate the scientific knowledge generated in the field of health sciences and physical activity through a multi-disciplinary journal that addresses professional areas such as kinesiology, physical education, psychology, occupational therapy and physiatrics.
-Publish original works that are relevant to publicize on issues related to the impact of physical activity on the health of individuals.

Publication frequency
It will have a quarterly frequency with the first issue published in March, June, September and December of the calendar year. The four issues will form the annual volume of the journal.

The areas in which manuscripts will be received are all those related to the sciences of rehabilitation and physical activity such as: Rehabilitation of human movement, physical exercise, exercise physiology, motor behavior, motor control, sports performance, human movement medicine, aging, sports psychology, nutrition and sport, among others.

RevChiREAF publishes in Spanish and English, following the order of publication of the accepted articles.

The sections include research article, scientific article derived from bibliographic reviews, theoretical article derived from systematic practical experiences, scientific articles derived from a metaanalyses and tests to be submitted to external arbitration in accordance with the evaluation process defined for this purpose. Editorials, brief communication, letters to the editor, book reviews and communication of events of scientific or informative interest, will be evaluated by the editor and published in another section that will not be arbitrated.

RevChiREAF does not charge article processing fees (APC) or article submission fees for any of the editorial or publication processes.

The Chilean Journal of Rehabilitation and Physical Activity (RevChiREAF) is declared as a serial publication of open access that uses a Creative Commons License of Recognition -Non-Commercial- without derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).


issn: 2735-7287

Vol. 4 (2024)

Published: 2024-04-30

Comparison of Pelvic Kinematic Behavior during Gait in Young people with and without Chronic Low Back Pain: A Kinematic Analysis with G-WALK

Sebastián Jiménez Zúñiga, Matias Otto Yañez, Maryblanca Collao Morales, Bastian Mena Coronado, Nataly Quiroga, Oscar Valencia


Efectos del entrenamiento de fuerza sobre la calidad de vida y depresión en personas mayores entre 60 y 80 años de la Casa del Adulto Mayor en Talca

Dario Barrera González, Paula Catalina Diaz Leal, Francisco Jesús Flores López, Andrea Alejandra Garrido Lupayante, Yocelyn Paola Pacheco Pacheco, Denisee Ayleen Saavedra Gálvez


Barbotage as a treatment of calcic tendinitis of the shoulder: a one- year quasi-experimental study

José Córdoba Félix, Carlos Ibor Miguel, Eduardo Sánchez-Ramos Caballero, Laura Cuñat Rausell, Judith Hermano de la Concepción, Alfonso Payá Rubio


Methodological proposal for teaching basketball from alternative models of sports initiation

Fernando Esteban Gómez Barrera, Dario Waldemar Barrera González, Daniel Andrés Corvalán Avendaño, Rodrigo Leandro Aliste Aceituno, Jonathan Nicolás González Calderón, Ignacio Leyton Fuentes


Invasive mechanical ventilation in the patient with spinal cord trauma: A review of the literature

María Paula Munera - Cardozo , Juan Santiago Serna Trejos, Stefanya Geraldine Bermúdez–Moyano, Juan Camilo Diaz- Beltran, Álvaro Andrés Montenegro–Apraez


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