Academic Performance in spanish undergraduates: the role of personality and academic procrastination

Academic Performance in spanish undergraduates: the role of personality and academic procrastination

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Sergio Hidalgo-Fuentes
Isabel Martínez-Álvarez
María Josefa Sospedra-Baeza


Academic procrastination is a common behavior in higher education with a range of negative outcomes.This study examined the relationships among the Big Five personality traits (extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience), academic procrastination and academic performance. Participants were 195 spanish undergraduates (77.4% female and 22.6% male), ranging in age from 18 to 51 years (M = 21.39; DT = 4.58). Ten Item Personality Inventory was used to measure Big Five personality traits and Academic Procrastination Scale-Short Form was use to measure academic procrastinación. Correlation analysis showed that academic performance was positively related to conscientiousness while being negatively related to academic procrastination. Using hierarchical regression analyses, controlling for age and gender, it was found that the Big Five  and academic procrastinación predicted part of the variance in academic performance. This study contributes to the body of literature that has examined the relationship between The Big Five personality traits, academic procrastination and academic performance.


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