Anxiety and personal resources in adolescence: differences according to sex

Anxiety and personal resources in adolescence: differences according to sex

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Isaias Martín -Ruiz
Cristina García-Pérez
Ana Herrera-Gallego


Mental health problems in adolescence are one of the biggest challenges of modern society, and specifically, anxiety. The objective of this study is to analyse the relationship and comparison of emotional problems of anxiety and some personal resources such as self-esteem and awareness of problems according to the sex of teenagers. The sample is made up of 445 adolescents between 12 and 17 years old, of which 230 were men and 215 women. The students were part of three educational centers located in the capital and one in the province of Malaga. This study belongs to basic research and was carried out using a descriptive, correlational and observational design. The SENA test has been used. The results indicate that the group of women presents higher levels of anxiety than the group of men. Personal resources are directly related to anxiety, since the group of women presents high levels of awareness of problems, while the group of men presents higher evaluations of self-esteem, causing them to have better protection mechanisms and therefore both their emotional problems decrease, unlike what happens with women.


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