Chronic Pain and its relationship with psychological well-being: The protective role of perceived emotional intelligence

Chronic Pain and its relationship with psychological well-being: The protective role of perceived emotional intelligence

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Alberto Paramio Leiva
Antonio Romero Moreno
Lucía Morales Sánchez
Antonio Zayas García


Chronic pain encompasses any condition or pathology that includes suffering from pain for a period of no less than three months that affects personal, work and family life. Psychological well-being is one of the most affected aspects in people suffering from chronic pain and the development of good emotional intelligence may be a protective factor for this well-being. The aim of this study was to test whether there are differences in Psychological Well-being and Perceived Emotional Intelligence between university students with chronic pain and those without pathologies, and to analyse whether Perceived Emotional Intelligence can explain the variability in the psychological well-being of students with chronic pain. A total of 101 people participated in the study (mean age = 23 years; SD = 4.6), 53 with chronic pain and 48 without previous pathologies. A descriptive-correlational study was conducted in which participants had to complete a survey on a voluntary basis. The results showed differences in Self-acceptance and Purpose in life of psychological wellbeing and in Emotional Repair of Perceived Emotional Intelligence. In addition, a positive linear relationship was found between Emotional Repair and SelfAcceptance, Purpose in Life and Environmental Mastery scores in participants with chronic pain. The present study highlights the importance of emotional intelligence training in people with chronic pain for the development of psychological wellbeing.


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