Bridging Science and Society: The Role of University Science Communication Centers

Bridging Science and Society: The Role of University Science Communication Centers

Main Article Content

Iván Suazo Galdames
Ximena de Toro
Dinka Acevedo


The article addresses the interaction between science and society, focusing on the role of higher education institutions in promoting scientific literacy and knowledge management. It presents the case of a university Science Communication Center (SCC), exploring how this center contributes to effective linking between academia and the community through a dynamic knowledge management model. This model is structured in three phases: knowledge generation, knowledge transfer, and societal feedback, thus facilitating a continuous cycle of interaction and improvement. The article highlights the importance of scientific education from an early age and how it influences public perception and the utility of science in everyday life. It discusses the need for more robust public policies to address inequalities in access and performance in science and technology in Chile, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the SCC's open science approach is emphasized, which seeks to democratize access to scientific knowledge and foster more active public participation in science. The document concludes that, despite challenges such as funding and impact measurement, effective management of scientific knowledge and public science communication are essential for an informed and engaged society. This case serves as a reference for other institutions aspiring to enhance the interaction between science and society, highlighting the transformative role that universities can play in this process.


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