Evolution of attitudes towards mathematics in university students

Evolution of attitudes towards mathematics in university students

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Belén García-Manrubia
Inmaculada Méndez
Jaime García Montalbán


Mathematics is a fundamental tool to overcome the challenges of today’s society. Thus, it is essential to study their teaching and the aspects that intervene in this process. This work focuses on attitudes towards mathematics and the factors that form their affective domain with the aim of verifying how each of them evolves through two moments of the 2021/2022 academic year in 81 students of the Degree in Primary Education of a university located in the southeast of Spain with a mean age of 20.37 years (19.8% male students and 80.2% female students). The Auzmendi (1992) questionnaire was used to collect information about attitude factors: anxiety, confidence, liking, usefulness and motivation. The results obtained showed medium-low values for liking and anxiety, medium values for utility, and adequate values for confidence and motivation. Regarding the evolution, the dimensions of the attitudes followed the same trend in both moments, except for a slight increase in motivation. In conclusion, it is crucial to continue working to achieve adequate assessments of attitudes towards mathematics in trainee teachers given the impact on how the student will transmit mathematical knowledge in the future.


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