Personality traits with the model of the five factors MINI-IPIP in taekwondists

Personality traits with the model of the five factors MINI-IPIP in taekwondists

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Lynda L. Laurin
Guillermo A. Saéz Abello
Andrés M. Ariza Viviescas
Luis Eduardo Pupo Sfeir


Introduction: The great boom that Taekwondo has gained over the years and its involvement in the Olympic Games has motivated the study of the different factors that can influence the preparation of athletes and their performance. Among these factors are those linked to personality. Objective: To evaluate the personality traits of American taekwondo athletes in different categories. Methods: Quantitative study, with a descriptive scope, carried out in a population of (N=415) Taekwondo players from different categories. Personality traits were assessed using the big five MINI-IPIP model. Results: A greater tendency to the intellect/imagination trait was identified in male (3.71±0.74) and female (3.87±0.70) cadets. Intellect/imagination in juvenile males (3.95 ±0.65) and awareness in their female counterparts (4.01 ±0.67). Senior athletes identified more with the intellect/imagination trait (3.98±0.60) and (3.96±0.78) for men and women, respectively. In addition, all taekwondo athletes in general presented little affinity with the neurotic personality trait. Conclusions: It was possible to identify that the evaluated taekwondo players have a tendency towards the personality traits of intellect and awareness, characterized by being proactive individuals, who value experience, and who did not show resistance to exploring the known and the unknown, with a higher index goal-oriented, with a high degree of impulse control, as well as organized, with a sense of duty.


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