Differences between school refusal and assertiveness based on the factors of the School Refusal Assessment Scale - Revised

Differences between school refusal and assertiveness based on the factors of the School Refusal Assessment Scale - Revised

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Andrea Fuster-Rico
María Pérez-Marco
Nuria Antón Ros


School refusal is a repeated negative attitude towards attending and/or staying at school for the whole school day. Among its serious consequences is the development of psychopathologies, which could be reduced by having an adequate emotional regulation and being assertive. Regarding assertiveness, although it is considered one of the most recurrent interpersonal difficulties in adolescence, there is no empirical evidence on how it affects school rejection. Therefore, the main objective of this study focused on analysing the differences between school refusal profiles and assertiveness in a sample of 847 Spanish adolescents aged 15–18 years. For this purpose, the School Refusal Assessment Scale-Revised (SRAS-R) and the Questionnaire for the Assessment of Interpersonal Difficulties in Adolescence were used. Mean scores were compared between high and low-scoring profiles for each factor of the SRAS-R according to the difficulties in being assertive. Among adolescents scoring high and low on the first two factors, there were statistically significant differences in assertiveness with moderate and small magnitudes, respectively. Possible explanations and implications for Educational Psychology are discussed.


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