Self-concept in mathematics and statistics in high school students: design and validation of two short questionnaires
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Academic self-concept has been studied assiduously in psychology and education, being considered as a relevant predictor of educational achievement. Theorists recommend that this construct be assessed by differentiating specific domains such as mathematics, statistics and other areas, to ensure a timely and contextualized assessment. This study was developed in order to design and validate two brief questionnaires for high school students, which assess specific domains of self-concept in mathematics and statistics. An instrumental design was used to construct a bank of items that subsequently formed short questionnaires consisting of six items. The factorial structure of the two questionnaires was tested by means of two independent studies with 326 and 381 participants, respectively. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis identified that both instruments show adequate psychometric properties, with good fit indices, as well as high internal consistency. This study makes available to educators, psychology professionals and researchers in these and other related areas, two brief domain-specific instruments of mathematical and statistical self-concept, easy to understand, allowing a quick and efficient completion, which can be useful for applied research.
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