Bibliometric review in asperger syndrome: impact in the field of psychology and education

Bibliometric review in asperger syndrome: impact in the field of psychology and education

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Cándido José Inglés
Jennifer Rico-Moreno
María Vicent
Carolina Gonzálvez
Ángela Díaz-Herrero
José Manuel García-Fernández


The scientific productivity about Asperger Syndrome has increased dramatically in recent years from various fields of Education and Psychology. Included within the Autism Spectrum Disorder according to the DSM-5, SA is characterized by alterations in social interaction skills, communication, and mental flexibility. The aim of this study is to provide a review of the current state of research in this area and identify major scientific contributions. The unit of analysis was composed of 1741 documents taken from the Social Science Citation Index and thoroughly reviewed. The results showed an increase in temporary productivity and scientific interest in the areas of characterization of Asperger Syndrome, comorbidity and treatment. In addition, a tendency was observed to perform the investigations in collaboration and a considerable number of authors classified as big producers due to their high levels of productivity with more than ten articles. The functionality of this review is its value as a reference for future researches as long as cover the identification and analysis of the main research topics in this field.


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