Impact assessment methodology of the ECTS Grade Early Childhood Education

Impact assessment methodology of the ECTS Grade Early Childhood Education

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Antonio Martínez Sánchez


One of the major contributions made by the methodological level the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is the creation of a European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) in order to establish a method that enables the existence of comparable qualifications in European universities. This study aims to analyze both the perception of students in Grade Early Childhood Education, on the process of implementation of the ECTS in their qualification and experience through the courses taken. The instrument used was a questionnaire created "ad hoc" which was applied to 116 students of qualification referring. The results showed that students positively the inclusion of ECTS in university curricula as it will encourage mobility and recognition of their qualifications, but overall are not satisfied with the implementation of this system in the subjects for from teachers, since they have not been taking into account aspects related to the distribution of staff workload, the use of material resources in the activities and the development of useful skills for their future careers.


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