Barreras percibidas por los psicólogos profesionales españoles para una Práctica Basada en la Evidencia

Barreras percibidas por los psicólogos profesionales españoles para una Práctica Basada en la Evidencia

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Laura Badenes-Ribera
Amparo Bonilla Campos


The Evidence-Based Practice (PBE) requires psychologists to access, value, and integrate scientific literature along with clinical experience and patient values ??and preferences. The main objective of this manuscript was to analyze the barriers perceived by psychology professionals to implement a PBE. The sample consisted of 77 participants (68.8% men), with a mean age of 41.44 years (SD = 9.42). The results showed that the main perceived barriers to an EBP were lack of time, lack of ability to locate the best available scientific evidence and limited knowledge to assess the quality of a study. These results highlight the need for training in the search skills and critical assessment of the scientific studies required by the PBE.


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