Birthrate and neonatal mortality at the Asturias Central University Hospital during the last ten years
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The study of the basic demographic indexes of a community is a very important factor for the knowledge of the socioeconomic and health situation of said community, as well as to know its demographic evolution. The objective is to know the Birth and Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality Rates at the Asturias Central University Hospital in the last 10 years. The method is descriptive analysis of birth and death data (stillbirths and live newborns killed in the neonatal period), obtained from the archive of Memories of the Neonatology Service of the Asturias Central University Hospital during the last ten years, in order to study and analyze the different rates of Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality. The results are in these 10 years 24,674 total newborns (RNT) were born in HUCA, of which 24,525 were live newborns (RNV) and 149 stillbirths or dead newborns (RNM). By gestational age, of the 24,525 RNV, 2,809 were younger than 37 weeks (11%), 507 were younger than 32 weeks (2%) and 192 were younger than 29 weeks of gestational age (0.7%). Of the 24,525 RNV, 108 died in the first 28 days of life (0.4%). The total neonatal mortality rate varied between 0.93 and 6.98 per thousand. The conclusions are after an initial increase in birth rates in the last decade, since 2009 there has been a slow and steady decrease in the number of children born in the Asturias Central University Hospital. The overall percentage of children born prematurely (under 37 weeks of gestational age) in this center is 11%. The rates of neonatal and perinatal mortality are very low, presenting a discrete interannual variability.
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